Bi-Curiosities Meta-Post: the next puzzle

Hey kids. Just a quick info post, now that the first puzzle’s activity seems to have petered out. (You’ve still got until Monday take a stab at it, if you would like.)

Since this was, for me and you solvers alike, a kind of warm-up puzzle, Spooky and I have agreed to run the next puzzle this coming Monday. From here on, the puzzles get more difficult and more valuable. So the bi-weekly element will be in place from here on out as well.

So this is a heads up to you guys. New puzzle on Monday. Two weeks to solve each. More points and more frustrations. And if at any time you guys have feedback for me about the puzzles (aside from death threats and angry accusations), feel free to send them to my puzzleminz address. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

9 thoughts on “Bi-Curiosities Meta-Post: the next puzzle

  1. Looking forward to it! Now you just need to drop the “bi” thing and make it weekly or drop the “weekly” and make it “bi-daily”. I’d be thrilled with two each day, but I wouldn’t expect you to go bi just for me.

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